My wife was blogging lately (don't blame her she meant no harm) and she told me I needed to go to a blog because it was one of my good friends (mostly his wife's) blogs from highschool. Well it had been private previously and so she thought I should look now that it had become public. Well I must say that I could get a little addicted to blogging if I went to blogs like this often. It was amazing how hard I laughed at the blog I was reading. I read one part of the overly dramatic blog in a sarcastic voice to my wife and then told her that I was actually a little embarrased for the blogger in question. Nobody in their right mind should write these things on a blog. They should think about going private again because I felt like I was reading some melodramatic teenagers diary I found on accident. So laughing hysterically I finally realized how I could get addicted to blogs! Laughter like that has got to be healthy for the soul.
Special thanks to a certain Spanish Fork Class blog (it's not my year by the way) for letting my wife find this beauty.
Jake, Jake, Jake - love ya my cousin but I think you need to take a Prozac daily.
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